[Theme] Virtualized

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Hello, this is my first theme "Virtualized".

Some screenshots:

The theme:

What would you say about it?

KoBeWi's picture
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LOL, I was making a very similar theme Big Grin

I haven't done it, but your one looks much better. Nice work.

Star and Moon
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Hey, I was also starting a theme like this! Nice job anyways Wink Smiley

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Seems to be a pretty common idea.

retrieved from: http://www.hedgewars.org/node/1662

Someone should combine all three themes. :P
The background/effects from the first, the land/water from the second, the objects from the third. That said, don't know how close they fit with the style requirements, anyway.

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OMG this is so Flasher nice, nice theme

Good job.

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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Thank you for comments.
I performed a little change in the theme - now the flakes are different. Also I added "icon@2x" image.

Changed theme:

mikade's picture
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So, I got bored the other day and merged what I consider some of the better aspects of these themes, together.

I was trying to make something a little less overwhelmingly "poisonous green".

Stirpar's red landbacktex and explosion border seemed to complement the green idea very nicely, so I used those, along with his extensive collection of land objects.

KoBeWi made really awesome dust sprites, and had a pretty original idea for water. There seemed to be a problem with the water/landtex flickering quite badly when zoomed out tho, so I rescaled these to be slightly bigger and that seems to have fixed the problem. Changed his sky to blue to add a bit of contrast and darkened it.

Used Stirpar's landback tex to create some clouds, and increased the number of clouds a lot. Used together with his high number of flakes (also made blue, now), it really looks like it's raining binary from the cloudscape.

Wasn't happy with anyone's girders, so I tried to make them a bit bolder.

Finally, wanted to include a bit of pterodaktill's work, so I made a few of his land objects .15 compatible and threw them in.

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looks good, looks good.

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Would like to see this theme eventually included in some form or other.

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mikade allegedly wrote:

So, I got bored the other day and merged what I consider some of the better aspects of these themes, together.

I was trying to make something a little less overwhelmingly "poisonous green".

Stirpar's red landbacktex and explosion border seemed to complement the green idea very nicely, so I used those, along with his extensive collection of land objects.

KoBeWi made really awesome dust sprites, and had a pretty original idea for water. There seemed to be a problem with the water/landtex flickering quite badly when zoomed out tho, so I rescaled these to be slightly bigger and that seems to have fixed the problem. Changed his sky to blue to add a bit of contrast and darkened it.

Used Stirpar's landback tex to create some clouds, and increased the number of clouds a lot. Used together with his high number of flakes (also made blue, now), it really looks like it's raining binary from the cloudscape.

Wasn't happy with anyone's girders, so I tried to make them a bit bolder.

Finally, wanted to include a bit of pterodaktill's work, so I made a few of his land objects .15 compatible and threw them in.

i like the terrain and the water effect
however i dislike the land object, they stick out too much
also this would be the first theme that doesn't strictly follow hw art guideline, so we need to make it look very good

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Okay, so I was threatened with bannination if I didn't upload this so, here it is:

I played it again today and didn't like it that much...

There are still many things wrong with it that need fixing. I'm not really an artiste but if someone wants to be a solider and keep working on the theme, the files are here for you.

Also, this 0.9.15 compatible, not dev. D:

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Well, it's in dev version now, for better or worse...

So, some comments:

  • I would make the background darker, closer to black. Maybe have some glowing flakes.
  • I think some of the land objects (and girders) need replaced, particularly the flash drive and mouse. Maybe something can be found on http://www.openclipart.org/search/?query=computer&page=1 , even just temporarily.
  • One of the land objects has the Acrobat logo on it, possibly not such a good idea.
  • The Landtex needs (re)drawn. There's not much to it.
  • I love the square droplets when a hog drowns. These should also be used as particles when land is destroyed.
  • I quite liked this idea of pterodaktill's for the background:

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keeps looking better everytime i get into this thread.




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The last version from Mon does not work well with Hedgewars 0.9.17 anymore.
That's because the theme.cfg has changed the format. For some reasons, objects are not placed with the old theme.cfg format.
So I repaired the theme to make it work with 0.9.17 again by converting the file to the new theme.cfg format.
I also cleaned up the theme for other operating systems than Windows... Big Grin I renamed landtex.png to LandTex.png. Please mind the case, there are people who use case-sensitive operating systems! Big Grin I also removed the Thumbs.db junk file, it does not belong to the theme. Oh, and please don't use WinRAR to distribute your files, it is propriatiary software which comes with a propritiary file format.
Please note I did not change anything graphically, it was just a small clean-up.

Here is the download:
Contact me immediately if the link above is dead.

Unfortunately, all links in this thread that go to MediaFire are dead.

Edit 1 (10/10/2012): RGhost deleted the file. I re-uploaded it.
Edit 2 (10/11/2012): RGhost deleted the file again. I re-re-uploaded it.
Edit 3 (07/07/2013): Unsurprisingly RGhost deleted the file again. Okay, that’s it. I’m switching the host.

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Wow lads, fantastic work. I love it, as I did the computer levels in World of Goo. Looking forward to try it!

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Hey Wuzzy, the link in your last post seems to be dead, could you re-upload the theme? Smile

Sorry for resurrecting an ancient post. ^^

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So, I randomly decided to revive this theme again XD

I left most of old assets, but changed the sky and added a SD treating I normally do for my themes. I also realized that amRubber can be overriden, so I'll be changing this in my themes too (I'm going to do a mass-bump with new feature updates when 0.9.23 is finally playable).

There's an original music too. I was so bored, that I created the SD music myself. Since SD sub-theme here is glitch, I imported Hegewars.exe as raw data into Audacity and mixed it with non-SD track. Good stuff Big Grin

Anyways, here's the download: (btw, I changed the name)

And a screenshot showcasing new sky and Sudden Death stuff:

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Ew. Files with spaces in 'em :p

But funny sd-music name. Also "Read Hedgewars.exe into Audacity" Shocking

(BTW, in case you're wondering how I got it off mediafire, I'd RTFS'ed the 138,000+ byte html they'd served my wget to see why the heck the page was so large, and there was a direct url in a part of the JS. yay)

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Oh... After actually listening to the SD music...
Maybe the static-sound should be more of a background thing under the beat? Or the whole song much softer? 'cause it is a little painful.

Also, I realise that semi-random data is not going to compress that well, but man that ogg is huge - maybe since it doesn't have much melody could be recorded at a lower bitrate or something. Wish I knew enough about music encoding to know if you could do the static on one channel at super low bitrate and the beat on another at a higher.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

KoBeWi's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:
Also "Read Hedgewars.exe into Audacity" Shocking
Yeah, this is funny one XD You can actually import anything and it will try to decode it as sound format.

The SD music was supposed to be glitchy. I agree that it's a bit painful (still better than it was at first), but I'm not that an expert in music, sadly. I just imported these two tracks and then did some random stuff, like changing the speed, cutting random fragments, pasting random fragments in random spots or even reversing some parts. Some good composer could've conserved this effect and created something that you can actually listen to, but I'm not one.

And I'm aware of the music size. An option could be converting it to MP3 and back, but the quality Aghh
That's the problem with all my themes though (Mirage is very good example, music has 10MB).

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Ideas from alfadur:
13:18 <+alfadur> nemo: I'd turn down the noise by like 20dB.. would probably also compress better
13:23 <+alfadur> well, applying controlled glitching to the theme music itself would give more constistent result in the first place

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Well, I finally got the new music from alfadur, so my theme got updated. I also used the new sd-tint feature to make sky red in SD. It's also 2MB smaller.

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I'm not a huge fan of the Cyberspace theme, to be honest.

The Sudden Death flakes are nausea-inducing and give me eye cancer! xD
The theme objects are wildly inconsistent. Either colorized or in black-green abstract style. Also, I don't really like the objects anyway, the look too amateurish.
The background and water looks to pixelized. The music is OK. The binary flakes are OK, but only before SD. Same goes for the collision dust.
The rest of the theme is rather meh.

And ewww, did you really use the icon of proprietary Adobe Acrobat Reader icon? xD

The overall impression is not good, I wouldn't really want to play in it.

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