[Script] Game Hacks (version 22)

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Lyberta's picture
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Hoot allegedly wrote:
Note that the path where to drop the unzipped files is different for Win 10, not sure what it depends on now (for me, it was in Documents/Hedgewars/Data, for example).

This is some kind of Win 10 hiding the real place the files are stored. Absolute paths to local files start with drive letter.

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Lyberta allegedly wrote:
This is some kind of Win 10 hiding the real place the files are stored. Absolute paths to local files start with drive letter.

Oh sorry, I didn't add the absolute path in my post since I thought it unnecessary to check. It actually would be something like C:/[user]/documents etc., of course. It doesn't seem to be %APPDATA%/Hedgewars/ etc. or something, that was my point.

nemo's picture
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Yeah, long ago Smaxx changed our windows location from %APPDATA% - he felt it was more consistent w/ other games, and I guess easier for users?
I dunno, since he was the windows user, kinda went with it...


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KoBeWi's picture
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If we talk about shortcuts, you can use %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Hedgewars to access the directory.

I noticed that %APPDATA% is actually heavily used too, e.g. it's default user directory in Godot Engine, Minecraft and many Steam games. %localappdata% is used too, especially by games made in Game Maker. Actually, game user files are all over the place on Windows (there's also a designated save folder, so far only one of my games use it). Not sure if on Linux it's also that bad xd

Lyberta's picture
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KoBeWi allegedly wrote:

Not sure if on Linux it's also that bad xd

On GNU/Linux it's usually a directory inside your home directory like /home/lyberta/.hedgewars or conforming to XDG spec

Wuzzy's picture
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Version 19 is here!
This is mostly just a cleanup release for the Hedgewars 0.9.23 release.


  • Requires Hedgewars 0.9.23
  • Add duckdamage: Rubber duck damage modifier
  • Move some ammo modification descriptions into weapon tooltip
  • Remove some messages and texts now supported in the engine
  • Remove limit of health crate contents
  • Other minor cleanup/compability stuff

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Hi !
Very good work. Not tested yet, but i just read all your posts about this script and this is just awesome.
I have an idea of a new parameter : a land damage radius multiplier : weapon damage on hedgehogs is unchanged but the radius of explosion (= land destruction) is increased/decreased.
Do you think it's possible ?
Keep it up !!

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Can you do some kind of hacks script version, that could work with android port im using.

nemo's picture
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francot514 allegedly wrote:

Can you do some kind of hacks script version, that could work with android port im using.

No. It would make far more sense for someone to actually recompile the android port to work against an up to date engine :p

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Version 20 is here!

This is a new version to support new features from Hedgewars 0.9.25!

Download link in the first pos.


  • Now requires Hedgewars 0.9.25
  • Game Hacks is now distributed in a HWP file and can be installed like any other Hedgewars add-on pack
  • Rename noinvading to forcefield
  • Remove duckdamage, initialswitch and sdinitialswitch
  • New parameters:
    • maxcratedrops: Maximum number of crates that can be in game before the random crate drops stops (default: 5)
    • Experimental portaldistance: Limit the distance of portal balls (default: no limit)
  • No longer show fuel indicator when using infinite fuel for flying saucer
  • Fix a couple of interface/usability bugs related to strategictools
  • Fix bad resurrection effect when resurrecting AI hog in AI Survival in forcefield mode
  • Force-disable wrap world edge and time box when using forcefield
  • Show healing animation for all healed hogs when collecting a health crate in sharehealth mode
  • Various updates and bugfixes to function correctly with Hedgewars 0.9.25
  • Never show mine/sticky mine/air mine timer when frozen
  • Fix some minor Hedgepot bugs
  • Script documentation moved into separate README file (see first post)
  • License texts added

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Version 21 is here!


  • Fix Sudden Death related specials starting in the wrong turn
  • Rename stickyflames to flamemode
  • Add flamemode=off: Disables all flames

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Version 22 is here!

Release notes:

  • Required Hedgewars version: 1.0.0
  • No longer overwrite dynamite image
  • Remove showbarrelhealth, showdudminehealth, showhealthcratehealth (gear infos are supported by core Hedgewars now. Press [O])
  • Change meaning of showminetimer: If true, will reveal mine timer of random mines

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Game Hacks can now be downloaded from the Downloadable Content area in Hedgewars.

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Shadow_The_Worm's picture
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Here are some script parameter suggestions for the next version of Game Hacks:
vampstrength - How much HP% will the vampirism utility drain from damaged hedgehogs per hit (current default = 80%)
cleavershots - How many cleavers may be thrown in a single usage (default = 2)
stickyshots - How many sticky mines may be launched in a single usage (default = 2)
shotgunshots - How many shotgun shots may be fired in a single usage (default = 2)
deagleshots - How many desert eagle shots may be fired in a single usage (default = 4)
snipershots - How many sniper shots may be fired in a single usage (default = 2)
extrascript - Loads an extra script to work together with Game Hacks. The game will first check for the main script (Game Hacks) parameters, then it'll check for the parameters specified after the script in the extrascript parameter. DLCs are supported, type the DLC's name without .hwp.

MichaelKlipel's picture
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hi guys, donorbox: please put it so that after the death of each hedgehog , the box falls out and not just the last one. Thank you, wuzzy, for this hard work.
1. A few suggestions for the future: to make it so that you can use weapons and attack in a jump, since dynamite works by default, it is known that dynamite according to the standard can be asked in a jump, a sine cannon can also be used in a jump, I would like to see such an opportunity with the rest of the weapons, grenades, molotov, hell grenade and others, while adjusting the force of the throw
2. The trail of the hedgehog in the form of smoke as in the racer style, the color of the clan or any other
3. The recoil of the weapon, raises and pulls the sight when fired, while the hedgehog is slightly thrown back, depends on the type and power of the weapon, now in order to use the minigun, the hedgehog must rest against the wall with his back so as not to fly away
4. Crashing into the wall, the hedgehog gets damaged, the damage depends on the speed of the hedgehog
5. Instead of boxes, the visual display of each weapon falls, you can see which weapon falls minigun, bazooka, grenade, etc.
6. Magnetic shoes, or gravitational attraction to the surface, the ability to walk on walls and ceiling just like a cake does
7. The bee can be controlled, the ability of the bee to follow the cursor in real time, projectile control
8. Double jump forward similar to double jump back
9. Hedgehog movement speed
10. After death, the hedgehog throws away all his weapons that he had
11. Bouncing surface select the number of bounces after which the bounce stops the more the bounce the weaker they become
12. Hedgehog in a protective bubble ability to swim on the surface of the water the bubble pops up, and the hedgehog cannot drown, while the hedgehog in the bubble can move on the surface, as on a boat

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