[Support] You can order "Tile or Mirror Texture" here!

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Hello Smile

I'm here (yes, I'm here)
To bring a support to our Community guys Big Grin !!!

Here (with the power of comment section)
You can order your request of Texture tile
Texture Tile, um, idk what to say
But what I mean with Texture Tile is
Texture image with ability for being repeated over and over to make tiles
This can be used for LandTex or something else that require texture that can be repeated
I mean, for your Theme!

How To Order :

Write your request down below by putting your image file so I can make it become Texture Tile
Or, you can order Mirror Texture which, uhm, idk what to say but its mirrored!

BE REMEMBER to put Square Sized Image (Proportional Width and Height), example size: 128x128 (in px), also with optimal maximum size of 512 px (well, actually you can put bigger size too)

Either you edit it first so it can be proportional (square), or you can leave it as messy as you want and leave the job to me
Then I do it too (to re-scale the image, but the quality not guaranteed to be the same as befre)

Simple to say, put your proportional sized or wtv sized image down below and say do you want to make it Tile or Mirrored?
When you confure, here an example for doing order:

Orders Example allegedly wrote:

Example #1 allegedly wrote:

Order: Make this image to be a Tile Texture

-/-/-/ The %user% want order a Tile Texture with 512x512px based Image

Reply: Tile Texture from %user% :

Example #2 allegedly wrote:

Order: Make this image to be a Mirrored Texture

-/-/-/ The %user% want order a Mirrored Texture with Non-Proportional Image

Reply: Mirrored Texture order from %user%
After Resize:

And Transformed into Mirrored Texture:

Result of those two example above allegedly wrote:

The result of those two example:

With two section of images on the top is the original image (after resize ofc) and below those original (after resize!) are the result. Consisting about 4 512x512px images per section, with canvas size of 2148x2148px so there are a 100px gap between section...

You may see the difference between Tile Texture and Mirror Texture from this result, also the difference between Original and Modified Images

PS: Those example are brought from Google
PS+: Those images are PNGs

I hope these are good enough for Theme Makers around our amazing Hedgewars Realm =D

The output are PNG format
Which you can modify after

Btw, feel freely to order =)
Its free! Why not?
And, please be remember that I don't have my personal Internet Connection, so I only rarely get it from Cafe Wifi xD
So? So it maybe take awhile to get respond
Not because my lazyness, but as I stated, I only get to read your order when I get free connection lol, sry

Also, be note that the result example have big difference rather than before modified, so you can see the Tiling effect when you use it as a LandTex =]

ANYWAY! CHEERS ( ^^)_> !!!


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KoBeWi's picture
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Well, tile effect can be achieved with a single button in GIMP >_>

It would be more useful if we could describe the ordered texture so you'd draw it from scratch.

Also, pls don't use Dropbox for image hosting ;_; There's Imgur, you can even upload image from clipboard and easily get the direct link, so it shows properly on the forum.

UltiMaxKom's picture
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( ; Q_Q)_>
Lmao xD

I didn't know that lol
Blurp, this post is already drown X_x
RIP after 1 minutes and waste bunch of text for burying itself to the ground lol

Imgur? Why?
Um, show properly on the forum? So, Dropbox don't show it properly eh =/
Once again, idk that too x)
Okay, now going to sign up
And my next upload for images will be using Imgur
But unfortunately: BY THE POWER OF HOLY LAZY CRAP! My past images won't be effected, however =\

Okay then, thanks KoBeWi for telling my silly stuff Big Grin
And CHEERS! (while do the facepalm)


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KoBeWi's picture
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UltiMaxKom allegedly wrote:
Imgur? Why?
Um, show properly on the forum? So, Dropbox don't show it properly eh =/
Well, I wrote this before you fixed them (now they look ok). But still, when you click Dropbox image, it's being downloaded. That's awkward •_•

Use whatever suits you, but Imgur is just very easy to use for me, especially since it's meant to be an actual image host. Seriously, just press [CTRL] + [V] to paste from clipboard, then right-click image that appears and press "Copy link to image" and you are done. You can mass-upload images and embed them on the forum in matter of seconds. That's not something you can achieve with Dropbox.

nemo's picture
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BTW, for GIMP users, I highly recommend Resynthesizer plugin for "make seamless"

Although of course you're better off using an SVG and adjusting the lines yourself to match up along the edges, if you can.

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