[Bug] Two small issues - Version 0.9.23 windows 32.

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Just tried new version and noticed 2 small issues. Not sure if these are bugs and don't want to bother but I love the game and figured if I report these it would be my way of helping in some small way.

1. General game - Pressing t to chat in main game enters chat but also t character requiring user to backspace. Thought it was just me but another player said it happens to them also.

2. Official racer room - After first turn a shadow racer for best time run usually is initialized. If the current hog skips their turn the shadow racer will not reset and will continue racing, even when the next hog starts their turn.

Version 0.9.23 windows 32.

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guest41967 allegedly wrote:
1. General game - Pressing t to chat in main game enters chat but also t character requiring user to backspace. Thought it was just me but another player said it happens to them also.
Ha, Wuzzy! I was right, this issue DO exist.

There's a hacky, temporary fix for this bug - bind chat key to something that doesn't write any letters. Personally, I used Left Control.

User offline. Last seen 6 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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I noticed the chat keyboard bug. Thanks for the workaround, which is working nice for me until the issue is officially fixed.

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https://hg.hedgewars.org/hedgewars/rev/e5c461729fe3 BTW, alfadur's workaround for the SDL2 behaviour messing up chat in Windows.

We'd only had one user report of it in allll the pre-release tests, so we weren't sure if it was a general issue in Windows or just something specific to their setup. Still not sure if it is Windows 10 only or not.

Anyway hopefully can do another Windows build with the workaround soon.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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