[Theme] Pond
Tue, 2020-10-13 13:28
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/77ynmaw8erxu64z/Pond_v1.hwp?dl=1
SVG files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/z0d0pae0vcou1x4/pond%20svg.zip?dl=1
This is my latest theme I have drawn, I'm not happy with it, it looks ugly but I think it is at least acceptable for DLC so I wanted to share it with you.
Please give me some suggestions for making it better and I will see if I can adjust it.
Thanks again!
I don't think it's ugly, but it's also not the best theme. It's okayish. It's an interesting idea.
I think the frog needs a stronger contour, to be consistent with the other land objects.
I think the background music should be Compost. It makes more sense.
I think in this theme it would make more sense for the water to be semi-opaque. Note that 100% opacity is also a gameplay change, in that hogs drown instantly. I'm not sure if this is intended.
I think the background could use an improvement. There's only 1 background layer but it would look nicer if there would be 2 background layers (Sky and horizont). Maybe two layers of cattails, or maybe you can think of something else for the other background layer.
I also noticed the SVG files are just the outer contours. I'm not sure if that's really useful.
None of these are requirements for DLC inclusion, however. I think the theme is OK for DLC already. I'm just thinking out aloud. If you don't plan to do any changes, I can post it on DLC anyway.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Thanks Wuzzy. I will try to fix those problems and upload a v2 here as soon as possible.
The SVG files are just the outline cause I use the live paint tool in adobe illustrator for colouring the outline and if I try to save the svg of the image after I paint it the whole thing get messed up, I m sure there is a way to bypass it but I dont know it yet.
Does Adobe Illustrator not have an SVG export option?
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Yes but before paintinf the vectored image I use a tool that transform the vectors to shapes or something, idk the right terminology, and you cant edit those shapes so I preferred these outlines
v2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ftjwb4e2v4smvh5/Pond_v2.hwp?dl=1
gave frog stronger contour
decreased water opacity
added sky
increased horizont opacity
changed music to compost.ogg
OMG are these earthworm girders? XD Cool idea lol
My themes / Theme Editor / Code contributions /
Yeah, thank you XD
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
try this : https://www.dropbox.com/s/jbb2nm7keeamedn/Pond_v2.hwp?dl=1
Version 2 is a big improvement! The new background really makes a difference.
By pure chance, the mapgen decided to place one of my hogs here:

A bit annoying, hehe. Is this intended? If not, maybe try to make it so that hogs can't spawn inside the frog. But this might be deliberate. At least it's possible to escape safely with a shotgun.
Finally I have just noticed the Compost music might not be the best pick. While the music is nice, the animal backgrounds are kinda wrong (donkey, dog, cat). I actually think the Golf music might be even better (duck sounds).
When I'm going to upload this theme to DLC, I can change the music myself.
Just tell me if you're going to do anything about the frog.
If yes, I'll wait for version 3. If not, I'm going to post it to DLC. I'll assume you are OK with the same license as for Antactic.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Thanks Wuzzy, you can upload it in dlc right now changing the music only since the frog thing is intented, specifically for Soldiers placement in The Specialist gamemode. Yes you can use the same license of Antarctic theme.
Pond_v3 has been added to DLC!
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Thank you
Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8kc7bydefufdlpj/Pond_v4.hwp?dl=1
I decided to change almost everything from the past version since I wasnt happy with it at all. This version is still far from perfect but I think it is a huge improvement over the version 3.
the biggest changes are:
-new land texture;
-reworked sprays;
-reworked frog and egret;
-new object;
-new sprays;
-reworked horizont and sky;
-added animated fireflies SD flakes;
-replaced compost music with golf;
-added custom amGirder;
In next versions I would like to customize the rope hook to make it seem like a spider web and maybe add new objects and sprays but I will have to wait for that customizable rope hook feature.
Please tell me what is wrong with it and I will try to fix it, if its alright can someone add it in the DLC page please?
Hope you like it
Thank you. The land texture is definitely better with the reduced contrast.
The frog looks so much more “serious” now and less happy, but maybe that was the point. I am fine with that in both way.
The new egret is clearly better.
I like amGirder, it's simple yet different.
I'm not sure if I like the new sky with the reduced detail, but I guess it's OK. It's less distracting from the foreground, which is a plus.
Well, that's artistic freedom and all that.
I found one problem: Have you tried out the rope? If the rope bends, it looks REALLY weird.
Note the file "theme.bak" is not neccessary.
I have not found any other problems.
Oh, can you please add a text file "credits.txt" with only your name in it? We use this file as a convention to document theme authors.
To be clear: The only thing that stops me from updating it to DLC is the rope, the rest is OK.
Please fix the rope, then I'll upload.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
fixed version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jqrap4ablqycy95/Pond_v5.hwp?dl=1
I dont like the animals objects cause I cant draw eyes and other face details so in future version maybe I will try to improve them.
Good update! DLC updated! Thanks!
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Thank you!!
Hello, I listened to the players feedback and decided to lower the overall saturation of the theme.
Pond_v6: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w1ppmlrfqc744o2/Pond_v6.hwp?dl=1
Can this version be replaced with Pond_v5 in the DLC page please?
good theme, and the contrast is just about right
Have a melon.
Hello, I updated the Pond theme after a long time. Here you can download Pond_v7: https://sprend.com/download?C=06424163e4a24e79ae4eea618d6e3ccc
Working link for 1 week from today: https://sprend.com/download?C=11689706932042b98a79d83cf4dbd567