Video recording doesn't work!

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Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Whenever I try to make video recordings in 9.18, it doesn't work! The videos disappear from the in-game list, and the files it records are corrupt! I have all the default settings on, help would be much appreciated!

Koda's picture
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umh, system spec? crash log?
can i has please?

Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Windows XP. Crash log?

Acutally I looked into it further and I have a question that may solve this problem. Do you have to keep Hedgewars open for the video to finish, or can it do that when hedgewars.exe is closed? I think that may be my problem. :p

sphrix's picture
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play a game, press R (the record key) do you see the red point that say : REC ?
if yes keep reading Wink Smiley
let record few second : maybe 30sec, (don't know the minimum)
then leave your game, or finish it Wink Smiley
after this, go back to main menu, clik the image of video that is near setting image

edit, i just read, you know how to record lol

you should see your video being encoded

if you leave too fast the game can't encode it, but an avertissement should show up i think

so to your answer : if you close the game... no video encoded

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