Happy Easter!
Hedgewars evolves! (April fools)
We recently received a letter from PETA concerning how hedgehogs are presented in our game.
Here's an excerpt of above mentioned letter:
We were severely shocked when we found out about "Hedge Wars".
It is disgusting that the game encourages physical abuse and killing of hedgehogs !
Animal brutality is no laughing matter.While your players are having fun killing hedgehogs in the game, those innocent animals are facing possible extinction as we speak !
Don't you have ANY conscience when it comes to other living beings?If you do like hedgehogs you should instead help spreading awareness about their real-life grave situation rather than slaughtering them in digital form.
After quite a lot of discussion we realized that their concern was valid and that we want our game to have a positive impact on ethical thinking, rather than a negative one.
Eventually we decided to replace the hedgehogs on the front-line with TOMATOES, starting next release!!!
Also we decided to keep our beloved hedgehogs as the overseers of the tomato wars (just not involved into combat directly).
Bottom line: we will keep our dear spikey friends around without having a single one of them getting hurt anymore
Yours truly,
The Hedgewars*-Team
* now with more vitamins!
Hedgewars deleted from Wikipedia
Welp. Page is gone. An admin said it would need to be cleaned up to meet his standards, although there once again seems to be ambiguity over whether the game is notable (plenty of links/articles presented to show that) versus whether the existing page for the game was of adequate quality.
Oddly, the solution to a page being of low quality is to delete it, and erase all history, making it rather hard to improve the page further...
If anyone here is from Wikipedia and feels like assisting in a resurrection perhaps you could try contacting the person who made the decision here:
About getting the page and its history put somewhere.
If anyone wants to improve the page (assuming the wikipolitics allow it at some point), or the dozen or so pages in other languages that still exist, please read the comments on the link above, where you could find useful resources for 3rd party references.
I attempted to contact the admin about hosting a copy of the deleted page for improvement and inclusion, something he'd offered to do in his decision.
I tried asking this directly below his decision on the deletion page, then on his own page, but he seems to have ignored this so far. Perhaps if someone else tried too.
Sorry to those fans who took an interest.
Changes to the 0.9.20 branch since release
I'm posting this as a bit of a favour to the distros, since I've been asked by a couple of people already.
So, the main problem with the initial source release was that due to a bug in fpc, 32 bit builds using -O2 or higher were causing weird bugs. We'd encountered this before release in the Windows build, but due to a confusion of the cause, had thought it was due to changes in the Windows build env initially.
So: - This merged the fix/workaround for the bug in fpc, and added some fixes for build problems encountered on OSX and some distro configs. As well as some minor things like a fix for a crasher with "shoppa map" lua + low quality land tex, and some minor optimisations. - This rather hurridly replaced .1 due to rejecting trunk changes causing loss of a line in a file that was needed for the minor optimisations. - This provides some more OSX changes, a small fix for a crasher for mask.png maps taller than 16384, and, more importantly, changes made by the Ubuntu porter trying to get Hedgewars to compile on ARM/Sparc. - This drops some unneeded files from the package (saving 20MiB on the tarball), build system tweaks (including OSX) and includes more changes on the ARM/Sparc front, which was again the reason that triggered it. - This final package appears to fix all the compilation problems on Ubuntu ARM/Sparc.
Hedgewars 0.9.20 Released!

First off we'd like to thank everyone who contributed to make this fun and exciting new release!
So, what's new?
- Shapes on drawn maps
- New rubber utility
- A polished Graphical user interface
- AFK mode. (Press p when not your turn online to trigger autoskip of your turn.)
- Visual enhancements for whip and crosshair
- New hats
- New voice pack (Russian)
- Map edges can wrap or bounce.
- Password protected rooms
- Translation updates
- Many, many, many bugfixes.
- And much more
And a new Mission Campaign: A Space Adventure! (thanks to Master_ex for working on it!)
You want it? So go to the download section and grab it!
Mac OS X, supporting 10.6 to 10.9.
Linux distros will appear as the packagers are notified (filing a bug with your distro speeds things up).
Some screenshots from the new version for you